High Latitude
Our high latitude research is focused on 1) advancing the understanding of climate change induced cryosphere degradation and sources, generation, and transport of water, nutrient and sediment fluxes of solutes to the coastal environment, 2) critical minerals exploration, discovery, and novel biomining, and 3) leveraging big data to enhance scientific understanding of watershed hydrogeochemical processes and critical minenral exploration. We partner with Alaska Native Corporations and communities, federal and state agencies and the minerals industry.
Current Projects:
1) Northwest Arctic streams C-q relationships in metal impacted streams - The Case of the Orange Streams.
2) Alaska EPSCoR Fire and Ice: Terrestrial fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska and influences on nearshore ecosystems and communities.
3) Southcentral Alaska watershed hydrogeochemistry: Controls on the generation and transport of water, solutes and sediments across a Glacial Gradient of catchments.
4) Submarine groundwater discharge along the coastline of the Gulf of Alaska.
North High Latitude
Geochemical Weathering Variability in High Latitude Watersheds of the Gulf of Alaska
Hydrologic and Landscape Controls on Rock Weathering Along a Glacial Gradient in South Central Alaska, USA
Contribution of fresh submarine groundwater discharge to the Gulf of Alaska
Geochemical Weathering Variability in High Latitude Watersheds
Partitioning of Reactions Reveals Hydrologic and Landscape Controls on Rock Weathering Along a Glacial Gradient in South Central AK
The Influence of Freshwater on the Circulation of Kachemak Bay, Alaska
South High Latitude

High Altitude
Our high altitude research is focused on advancing the understanding of freshwater brine systems, lithium resources and ESG surrounding the development of these critical minerals.
Current Projects:
1) Origin, transport and accumulation of lithium in closed-basin continental brine of North and South America
2) Impacts of upgradient groundwater abstraction on critical marginal waters in lithium brine basins of the Altiplano-Puna
3) Environmental tracers to quantify modern and relic water components in high altitude arid and hyper-arid watersheds
4) Water availability in lithium brine basins of North and South America, a crucial consideration for sustainability
South America
Contemporary and Relic Waters Strongly Decoupled in Arid Alpine Environments
Density constrains environmental impacts of fluid abstraction in continental lithium brines
Hydrological signatures in wetlands in the lithium-rich salar basins of the Andes, South America
Constraints on groundwater abstraction impacts in lithium brine systems
Extreme partitioning of relic and contemporary waters in arid environments
Distinct hydrologic pathways regulate perennial surface water dynamics in a hyperarid basin
Relic Groundwater and Prolonged Drought Confound Interpretations of Water Sustainability and Lithium Extraction in Arid Lands
Imbalance in the modern hydrologic budget of topographic catchments along the western slope of the Andes (21–25°S): implications for groundwater recharge
Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Distinctions in Freshwater-Brine Systems of an Andean Salar
Rapid recharge of fresh water to the halite-hosted brine aquifer of Salar de Atacama, Chile
Elevated stream trace and minor element concentrations in the foreland of a tropical glacier
Groundwater recharge to a structurally complex aquifer system on the island of Tobago (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago)

Critical Minerals
Lithium is a leading and essential critical mineral for the electrification of everything. Our team developed the first ore deposit model for closed-basin lithium brines. We are pioneering new work in deciphering the role of volcanism and paleoclimate on lithium sequestration in lacustrin clays and exploring mechanisms and processing for lithium accumulation in low temperature geothermal brines associated with oil fields. We also use novel geochemical tools to for Cu and REE exploration and have emerging research in biominig of REEs.
Current Projects:
1) Rare Earth Element Transport and Accumulation in Seaweeds, Bokan Mountain, SE Alaska
2) Alaska's Critical Elements: Data Accessibilty and Unraveling New Geologic Patterns
3) Heavy Rare Earth Element (HREE) origins at Bokan Mountain, Alaska and the environmental geochemical signature in surrounding watersheds.
4) Emerging domestic volcanic-sedimentary lithium deposits in SW United States.
5) Origin of lithium brines - A global update.
6) The formation of world class lithium brine deposits in North and South America: Silver Peak, NV, Salar de Atacama, Chile, Salar de Antofalla, Hombre Muerto, Carachi Pampa, Pastos Grandes, Tres Quebradas, Argentina.
Resources and Ore Deposits
Paleoclimate controls on lithium enrichment in Great Basin Pliocene−Pleistocene lacustrine clays
Geochemistry of lithium-rich brines, Clayton Valley, Nevada, USA
Environmental Geochemistry
Sources, Transport and Fate of Trace and Toxic Elements in the Environment – IAGS 2009
Arsenic speciation and mobility in surface water at Lucky Shot Gold Mine, Alaska
Seasonal fluctuations and mobility of arsenic in groundwater resources, Anchorage, Alaska
Temporal Variation and Metals Flux from the Historic Beatson Mine, Prince William Sound, AK
Geochemical Evolution of Solutions Derived from Experimental Weathering of Sulfide-Bearing Rocks
Post-mining hydrogeochemical conditions, Brewery Creek Gold deposit, central Yukon
Surface and Ground Water Geochemistry Near the Donlin Creek Gold Deposit, Southwestern Alaska